Current Courses

Article Index


This section hosts the schedule and learning materiale of all the lectures and labs, with topics and deadlines described in each of them. Please consider that the following information is a tentatitive preview of the course organization, is provided only for helping students organization and planning, and is subject to change without notice.

All slides, examples, exercises, and any other material used in the classroom and in the lab will be also posted in a GitHub repository. Moreover, all lectures will be video-recorded and will be available here and in a dedicated YouTube playlist and may be downloaded over BitTorrent.

Type: L = Lecture, R = Required reading, EA = Exercises in classroom, EL = Exercises in laboratory (LADISPE)
Teacher: FC = Fulvio Corno, LDR = Luigi De Russis, AMR = Alberto Monge Roffarello

04/03/2019 L Introduction to the course 14:30-16:00  icons8 play button 48 FC
Theme of the year
L Definitions of Ambient Intelligence 16:00-17:30 icons8 play button 48 FC
07/03/2019 R Intelligent Environments: a Manifesto due by 17:00 - -

Python basics (part I)

17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
11/03/2019 R Introduction to Git and GitHub Pages due by 14:00 - -
L AmI Design Process (part I) 14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 FC

Getting started with Python and Git

16:00-17:30 - LDR
14/03/2019 L

Python basics (part II)

  • In-class exercises (on GitHub)
17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
17/03/2019   Submit initial project ideas and group compositions due by 23:59    
18/03/2019  EL

Python basics: exercises

14:30-16:00 - AMR

Group definition. Project ideas check, discussion and suggestions.

16:00-17:30 - All
21/03/2019 L

Python intermediate

17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
24/03/2019   Submit final project ideas and group compositions due by 23:59    
25/03/2019 R Web architectures and technologies due by 14:00 - -

Requirements for Deliverable D1

AmI Design Process (part II)

14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 FC

Python intermediate: exercises

 16:00-17:30  -  AMR
28/03/2019 L

Python Database

 17:30-19:00  icons8 play button 48  LDR
31/03/2019   Create the project websites with Deliverable 1 due by 23:59    
01/04/2019  L

Building web applications with Flask - basics

  • In-class exercises (on GitHub)
14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
EL Using Databases with Python 16:00-17:30 - All
Feedback on Deliverable 1
04/04/2019 L

Building web applications with Flask - interaction (forms, sessions, database)

17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 AMR
 08/04/2019  L

Style and layout in the web: CSS and Bootstrap

14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR

Web in Python: exercises

16:00-17:30 - AMR
11/04/2019 R Intro to HTTP and JSON due by 17:00    

REST APIs and REST with Python and Flask

17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
15/04/2019 L

AmI Design Process (part III)

Requirements for Deliverable D2

Guidelines for Architecture Design

14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 FC

REST in Python

16:00-17:30 - AMR
    (Easter vacation)      
28/04/2019   Update the project websites with Deliverable 2 due by 23:59    
29/04/2019 EL Supervised work group 14:30-17:30 - All
Feedback on Deliverable 2
02/05/2019 L


17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
06/05/2019 R

Introduction to jQuery

due by 14:00 - -

Flask-Bootstrap and jQuery

14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
EL Supervised work group 16:00-17:30 - FC
09/05/2019 EA

jQuery, Ajax, REST: a full exercise 

  • Lab-in-class: bring your laptop!
  • Solution (on GitHub)
17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
13/05/2019 L

Android hands-on (first part)

  • Code (simple Android calculator, on GitHub)
14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 AMR
EL Supervised work group 16:00-17:30 - LDR
16/05/2019 EA

Components selection and available materials

17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
20/05/2019 L

Android hands-on (second part)

14:30-16:00 icons8 play button 48 AMR

Task manager in Android

16:00-17:30 - AMR
23/05/2019 EA

Interacting with smart devices: Philips Hue and Z-Wave devices

17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
27/05/2019 EL Supervised work group: Android troubleshooting and support 14:30-16:00 - AMR
EL Supervised work group 16:00-17:30 - LDR
30/05/2019 EL Supervised work group 17:30-19:00 - AMR
03/06/2019 EL Supervised work group 14:30-16:00 - LDR
EL Supervised work group 16:00-17:30 - AMR
06/06/2019 EL Preparing material for the exam. Supervised work group. 17:30-19:00 - LDR
10/06/2019 EL Supervised work group 14:30-16:00 - LDR
EL Supervised work group 16:00-17:30 - AMR

Video Lectures