
Imagine driving your bike, as you normally do, across the city. Your Smart Bike will be able to record all interesting data around you: air quality and pollution, street conditions, traffic, noise, weather, you name it. Now, imagine every bike has these capabilities: the amount, the reliability, and the granularity of such data will be enough to understand and manage new services in a Smart City. And, bonus point, your Smart Bike also features a GPS-based anti-theft system.

This is the context of the Thesis developed by Carmelo Migliore and presented on July, 2016. In his thesis, Carmelo Migliore developed a first prototype of an IoT-connected board able to sense the air pollutants, and be connected with GPS and mobile networks. The thesis was developed in collaboration with the TIM Joint Open Lab "SWARM".

The Ambient Intelligence students are progressing with the implementation of their projects.

A new website has been published, that summarized and links all available projects:

The website will also collect information about the upcoming Student Showcase, that will take place on October 4, 2016.

June 11, Fulvio Corno presented the paper "A Healthcare Support System for Assisted Living Facilities: an IoT Solution" at the audience of the "IT in Practice" symposium in the COMPSAC 2016 conference, 

The presentation slides and the speech screencast are available here.

The e-Lite Research Group will participate in the 40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2016), in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 10-14, 2016. COMPSAC is the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications.

Fulvio Corno will attend the conference and will present two papers:

The students of the Ambient Intelligence course, edition 2016, are approaching the turning point: 18 projects are completing their design phase, and will soon start the implementation of the project demonstrators. Projects are exploring various areas of ambient intelligence systems, applied to the domain of Health and Well-Being.

On May 19, 2016, the 18 student groups of the Ambient Intelligence course will present a "pitch" about their proposed project and will unveil to the public the project contents. As a spoiler, the project names are: Angee, BreatheYourTroublesAway, DigiGarden, EmergencyQuest, EyesBlinker, FreeToBreathe, Gymmy, iStop, Nightwatch, PetsCare, ROOMpathY, SafetyMama, SleepMO, SleepTight, SmartPortableChair, StudyStation, WindShield, YourSafeSun.

The presentation is public, open to all interested students, and to interested enterprises and professionals. The attending industrial stakeholders and sponsors will provide a feedback about the presented projects.

The Ph.D. students of the XXVII Cycle of the Doctorate in Computer and Control Engineering will present their defense on May 16 and 17, 2016, in Meeting Room n. 4, in the DAUIN department.

For the e-Lite research group, Sebastián Aced López will close his Ph.D. course by defending the thesis "Accessible Human Computer Interaction -- Video Games and Assisted Living for Persons with Severe Disabilities", that will explore new interaction modalities for persons (especially children) with disabilities.

All interested persons are invited to attend the presentation.